News and uses about pheromones

Beyond Chemistry: Discover the Power of Pheromone Activity Screening

Pheromones are chemicals produced by animals, including humans that have the ability to influence the physiology or behavior of other individuals of the same species. They are widely used in many areas, such as agriculture, pest management, and reproduction strategy. The identification and characterization of pheromones can be a challenging task, requiring a combination of analytical...

Epoxy-functionalized Pheromone: A New Generation of Pest Control

Epoxy-functionalized pheromones have been developed as a highly effective method for the control of insect populations. Pheromones are chemical compounds produced by animals as a means of communication, particularly for mating and territorial behaviors. Epoxy-functionalized pheromones have been modified with an epoxy group, which enhances their stability and longevity...

From Molecular Structure to Chemistry: Ketone-Functionalized Pheromones

Ketone-functionalized pheromones play a crucial role in the chemical industry as they serve as signal molecules for communication between various species. In recent years, these pheromones have gained significant attention due to their various applications in different fields, including crop protection, pest control, and animal behavior research...

Unlocking the Power of Oleyl Alcohol: The Secret Pheromone

Oleyl alcohol is a fatty alcohol with a chemical formula of C18H36O. It is a colorless liquid that is soluble in both water and most organic solvents. Oleyl alcohol is also known as cis-9-octadecen-1-ol or 9-octadecenol. It is derived from fatty acids and is commonly found in natural sources such as fish oils, vegetable oils, and animal fats...

Pheromone Release Technology: A Powerful Tool in the Field of Chemical Communication

Pheromone release technology refers to the use of chemicals known as pheromones for communication purposes in various industries. Pheromones are chemical substances that are secreted by an organism and are capable of triggering a response in another organism of the same species. They are often used as a means of signaling in the animal kingdom...

Pheromone Solid-phase Synthesis: A Revolutionary Advancement in the Synthesis of Pheromones

Pheromones are a fascinating class of molecules that are used by many organisms, including insects and mammals, to communicate with one another. They are chemical signals that convey information about an individual's identity, reproductive status, and location, among other things. The synthesis of pheromones is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of organic chemistry...

Revolutionizing Agriculture with Pheromone Auxins

One area where there has been a tremendous development in recent years is the discovery and application of pheromone auxins in the agricultural industry. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of what Pheromone Auxins are, their applications, and the advantages of using them...

The Magic of Plant Growth Regulators: Unleashing Nature's Full Potential

Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) are chemicals that manipulate the physiological processes of plants. They are used to enhance crop yield and quality by regulating plant growth and development. PGRs can be naturally occurring or synthetic, and they can be applied to plants through foliar spray, seed treatment, or soil drench...

The Power of Pheromone Cytokinin: Unlocking Nature's Secret to Plant Growth and Development

Pheromone cytokinin is an organic compound that belongs to the cytokinin family. It is widely used in plant physiology and agriculture due to its beneficial effects on plant growth and yield. Pheromone cytokinin is a potent growth hormone and is commonly used in plant tissue culture, induction of cell division and shoot proliferation, plant regeneration...

Unleashing the Power of Pheromones: A Look at the Latest Gel Material Innovations

Gel materials have become a popular choice for delivering pheromones in various applications due to their unique properties. Pheromones are chemical signals that are naturally produced by animals and insects to communicate with each other. Pheromone delivery systems have a wide range of applications, including pest control, crop protection, and animal behavior control...
