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Catalog Number ACMA00021859
Synonyms (S)-5-Methyl-octadecane-d3
Molecular Weight 271.54
Molecular Formula C₁₉H₃₇D₃
Application (5S)-Methyloctadecane-d3 is the labelled version of (5S)-Methyloctadecane which can be utilized for biological study and biological activity of (R)- and (S)-14-methyl-1-octadecene, as the chiral component of the sex pheromone of the peach leafminer moth, Lyonetia clerkella Linne (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae)
References Sato, R., et al.: Appl. Entomol. Zool., 20, 411-415 (1985)
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